About the Speakers

Miguel Felipe Evangelista / ミゲル・フェリペ・ エバンゲリスタ
Miguel Felipe Evangelista / ミゲル・フェリペ・ エバンゲリスタMister
I am a Filipino Catholic living in Japan since 2013. In 2017, I joined the St. Ignatius International Youth Ministry and was elected as an assistant representative of the ministry in 2019. Besides the St. Ignatius International Youth Ministry, I am also an officer representing Ichikawa Catholic Church in the MICHIKOTO Community (A community formed by Filipino parishioners of Matsudo Church, Ichikawa Church, Koiwa Church and Toyoshiki Church) where I serve as secretary since 2017. At present, I attend and serve during masses in St. Ignatius Church and Ichikawa Catholic Church.


私はフィリピンから来て8年間日本に住んでいます。2015年12月からカトリック麹町 聖イグナチオ教会に通

Sr. Maria Fidelis Rodriguez / Sr. マリア・フィデリス
Sr. Maria Fidelis Rodriguez / Sr. マリア・フィデリス Sister
Sister Maria Fidelis, from Argentina, belong to the Institute Servant of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara (Religious Family of the Incarnate Word started in Argentina). Missionary in Taiwan Country for more than 25 years. Actually in charge of the Pro-life Center St. Gianna Beretta Molla in Hsinchu Dioceses, study Phd in Taipei Furen University (Philosophy Department).


センターは、2008年に新中教区で始まり、「最初から自然死までのすべての人間の生命の保護」の精神に従い、主のしもべとマタラの聖母の宗教研究所の指導の下にあります。 講演では、さまざまなグループ、メディア、ソーシャルライフ、文化におけるプロライフセンターの活動を紹介します。 私たちはまた、この素晴らしく実際の使徒職でのこれらの数年間の小さな仕事の間に困難を提示し、克服したいと思います。 セントジャンナベレッタモラプロライフセンターの主な目標は、聖ヨハネパウロ2世が生命の文化を保護し、 死。 私たちの宗教的な家族の特別なカリスマ性のために、私たちはすべての使徒職を聖母、生命の母の保護下に置きます。

Fr. Mike Schmitz / マイクシュミッツ神父
Fr. Mike Schmitz / マイクシュミッツ神父Father
Fr. Michael Schmitz is the director of youth and young adult ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Father Mike provides podcasts of his weekly homilies on iTunes and BulldogCatholic.org.


マイケル・シュミッツ神父は、ダルース教区の青年および若年成人省の局長であり、ミネソタ大学ダルース校のニューマンセンターの牧師です。 マイク神父は、iTunesとBulldogCatholic.orgで彼の毎週の賛美歌のポッドキャストを提供しています。

Bishop Paul Toshihiro Sakai (Opus Dei) / パウロ酒井俊弘司教 オプス・デイ属人区
Bishop Paul Toshihiro Sakai (Opus Dei) / パウロ酒井俊弘司教 オプス・デイ属人区Bishop
Bp. Paul Toshihiro Sakai (Opus Dei)
Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Osaka
Born in Ashiya, Hyogo, in 1960. After graduating from Osaka Kyoiku University (OKU), he taught at Nagasaki Seido Elementary School for 3 yrs. He studied in Italy and Spain between 1985-90. Ordained priest in Spain on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in 1988. Became the Chaplain for Nagasaki Seido School in 1990. Taught at St. Thomas University, Osaka, as a lecturer 2007-11. Served as a member of the Committee for the Liturgy for Osaka Archdiocese as well as a supervisor for the Sacred Heart Braille group (2011-18). Consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of Osaka Archdiocese in July 2018. In February 2019, appointed to take charge in the Committee for School Education and Section for Inter-Religious Dialogue within the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan. He has been offering catechetical classes and homilies on his YouTube Channel since July 2020.



1960年兵庫県芦屋市生まれ。大阪教育大学を卒業後、精道学園(長崎市)にて小学校教師として3年間務める。1985年 – 1990イタリアおよびスペインに留学。1988年スペインにて司祭叙階 (7月16日カルメルの聖母の日)。1990年精道学園に指導司祭として復職。2007年 – 2011年、聖トマス大学講師。2011年 – 2018年、大阪大司教区典礼委員会委員や、みこころ点字会指導司祭を歴任。2018年7月より大阪大司教区の補佐司教。2019年2月よりカトリック司教協議会・学校教育委員会担当司教、および諸宗教部門責任司教。2020年6月より、「酒井俊弘司教YouTube チャンネル」にて、動画を配信中。

Fr. Renzo de Luca SJ
Fr. Renzo de Luca SJJesuit Provincial of Japan
Fr De Luca was born in Larroque, Entre Rios, Argentina on July 28, 1963 His father is an Italian immigrant and his mother was born in Argentina of Italian parents.
He entered the Society of Jesus in San Miguel, Buenos Aires in1981, During the juniorate stage of his formation, his superior was none other than Fr Jorge Bergoglio. (Pope Francis). Fr De Luca was missioned to Japan in 1985, where he hosted Fr Bergoglio when he visited the Argentinian scholastics in Japan in 1987.
He was ordained to the priesthood on September 21, 1996 in St Ignatius Church, Tokyo, and the next year received his Licentiate in Sacred Theology from Sophia University
He was Superior of the Nagasaki community from 2001 to 2007 and in 2014 was appointed Superior of the combined Fukuoka-Nagasaki community.
He has been Curator of the 26 Martyrs Museum in Nagasaki since October 2004, after serving as Assistant Curator for seven years.
Fr. Renzo was personal interpreter and Guide for Pope Francis on his visit to Japan in 2019.



Tsuyoshi Inaba
Tsuyoshi InabaMister
Since 1994, he has been engaged in activities to support street sleepers in Tokyo, and after serving as the chairman of the Independent Living Support Center, Moyai, established the Tsukuroi Tokyo Fund in 2014. He is working on a housing support project for low-income earners. He is also a co-representative of the Big Issue Foundation, a certified NPO, and a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Social Design, Rikkyo University. His major books include “Prying Open the Closed Door” (Asahi Shinsho), “Housing First” (co-edited by Yamabuki Bookstore), and “Changing Society from the Poverty Site” (Horinouchi Publishing).



Hiroshi Igarashii
Hiroshi IgarashiiMister
Hiroshi Igarashi /Specified Nonprofit Corporation(NPO) “Motherhouse” / Chairman of the board. Had three previous convictions and has been in prison for a total of 20 years. Established a private non-profit organization called Motherhouse after release from prison.
Officially launched Motherhouse as a Specified Nonprofit Corporation in May 2014.
Corresponded with about 800 prisoners nationwide (Called “Love Letter Project”), and currently supporting more than 50 prisoners who have been released.
Has given many lectures at universities and organizations. Has been a mitigating witness in court several times. Also provides support for victims and offenders of crime.
Awarded the Akira Sakuta Prize in 2017, the Moriya Prize in 2020. And granted an audience with Pope Francis when he visited Japan.


NPO法人 マザーハウス / 理事長 五十嵐 弘志前科 3 犯、受刑歴のべ約 20 年。出所後「民間非営利団体マザーハウス」を設立。2014 年 5 月に、マザーハウスを NPO 法人として正式に立ち上げ、現在、全国の受刑者約 800 名と文通(ラブレタープロジェクト)、出所者 50 名以上をサポート中。大学、団体等で講演多数。その他、地裁等で情状証人として証言し、犯罪被害者・加害者の支援をおこなう。2017 年作田明賞受賞、2020 年守屋賞受賞、日本に来日した教皇フランシスコと謁見。

Sr. Luca Ritsuko Oka, SFMI, PAMI
Sr. Luca Ritsuko Oka, SFMI, PAMISister
Sr. Luca M. Ritsuko Oka, S.F.M.I.
DTh in Mariology, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica «Marianum» (Rome)
Socios ordinarios, Pontificia Academia Mariana Internationalis (PAMI)
Secretary of the Asia-Oceania Section of PAMI



Day 1 Speaker Program

NCACJ-3 2020 Flyer
NCACJ-3 2021 Program
NCACJ-3 2021 Program
NCACJ-3 2021 Program
NCACJ-3 2021 Program
NCACJ-3 2021 Program
NCACJ-3 2021 Program
NCACJ-3 2021 Program
NCACJ-3 2021 Program

About the Speakers

Sr. Pieta Miyazaki / Sr. ピエタ 宮崎妙子
Sr. Pieta Miyazaki / Sr. ピエタ 宮崎妙子Sister
Speaker biography overview
Graduated from Fuji Women’s College in 1998, studied English and American literature at Master’s Course (1999-2001) and Doctoral Course (2001-2002) of Hokkaido University, entered the convent in 2002, studied English and American literature at Doctoral Course of Sophia University (2006-2010), worked for Catholic Center of Fuji Women’s University (2010-2012), have been teaching English at Fuji Girls’ Junior and Senior High School (2012-).


1998年藤女子大学文学部英文学科卒業、1999年北海道大学大学院文学研究科英米文学専攻 修士課程入学、2000年同博士課程入学、2002年殉教者聖ゲオルギオのフランシスコ修道会入会、2006年上智大学大学院文学研究科英米文学専攻博士課程入学、2010年同単位取得満期退学、同年から藤女子大学カトリックセンター勤務、2012年から藤女子中学高等学校に専任講師として勤務、現在に至る。

Fr. Shinichiro Tanizaki / 谷崎 新一郎神父
Fr. Shinichiro Tanizaki / 谷崎 新一郎神父Father / 神父
Speaker biography overview
Solemn profession of Order of Friars Minor Conventual in 1997. Priest Ordination in 1998. Provincial Minister in Japan from December 2020. Now also Director of two kindergartens in Tokyo.



Bishop Wayne Berndt / ウェイン・バーント司教
Bishop Wayne Berndt / ウェイン・バーント司教Bishop / 司教
May 15, 1954 Born in Fitchburg, diocese of Worcester, U.S.A.
May 21, 1983 Ordained Priest
December 9, 2017 Appointed Bishop of Naha
February 12, 2018 Ordained Bishop



Kunihisa Koyama / 小山訓久
Kunihisa Koyama / 小山訓久Mister / ミスター
Born in Tokyo in 1977. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon, Faculty of Psychology. His specialty is social psychology. In 2008, he founded Little Ones, an NPO that supports single-mother families and children. He is also the representative director. He is a planning committee member of the basic municipality, runs “Oyako Cafe Hokkuru”, supports child-rearing groups, and gives lectures and lectures nationwide. He won the 2018 World Habitat Award and gave an award ceremony and speech at the United Nations Habitat Headquarters. Received the 2019 Social Contribution Support Foundation Award and the Toyohiko Kagawa Award.[Major books] “How to make a parent-child cafe: 8 tips for creating a successful” whereabouts “” (Gakugei Shuppansha)


1977年東京都生まれ。オレゴン大学心理学部卒。専門は社会心理学。2008年に母子家庭と子どもたちの支援を行うNPO法人リトルワンズを設立。同、代表理事。基礎自治体の計画委員、「おやこカフェほっくる」の運営、子育て団体の支援のほか、全国で講演やレクチャーを行っている。2018年 ‘World Habitat Award’ を受賞し、国連ハビタット本部で受賞式とスピーチを行った。2019年社会貢献支援財団受賞、賀川豊彦賞受賞。[主な著書] 『親子カフェのつくりかた: 成功する「居場所」づくり8つのコツ』(学芸出版社)

Sr. Sachiko Kumamoto / Sr. 熊本幸子
Sr. Sachiko Kumamoto / Sr. 熊本幸子Sister / シスター
Everyone who wants to work for children in need of social care, why not join us as a “companion” who loves children ??
With your being, with your love, give children a happy future and joy !!
I am looking forward to a wonderful encounter.
Sachiko Kumamoto, Director of Seibi Home


社会的養護が必要な子どもたちのために働く志しをもつ皆様、私たちと共に、子どもたちに愛を注ぐ「仲間」になりませんか?? あなたの存在、あなたの愛で、子どもたちに幸せな未来と喜びを与えてください!! すばらしい出会い、楽しみにしております。

星美ホーム園長 熊本幸子

Fr. Jude McKenna / ジュード・マッケナ神父
Fr. Jude McKenna / ジュード・マッケナ神父Father / 神父
Fr. Jude joined the Capuchin Order in 1958, was ordained in 1966 and posted to Zambia, firstly to Livingstone and later to Lusaka. He was appointed Superior of the Capuchin Order in Zambia in 2000. Jude was a founder member of the Zambian Judo Association, became President of the Z.J.A., Assistant Director of the Commonwealth Judo Association and Vice-President of the African Judo Union. Fr. Jude was presented with the Order of the Rising Sun with Gold and Silver Rays by the Japanese Government in recognition of his services to judo.
Jude returned to his homeland, Ireland, in 2016



Day 2 Speaker Program