Press Release – 3rd NCACJ – December 4-5, 2021

NCAC-J3 N0018
2021 年6 ⽉14 ⽇

Saints, Martyrs and Christian Culture of Japan
in the Year of Saint Joseph (12/8/2021 – 12/8/2021)
ZOOM Online Conference
December 4-5, 2021

Press Release

This year is the second year since Pope Francis visited Japan in November 2019, and we wish to reaffirm again the influence and blessings that the Pope’s visit has had on the Church in Japan, and the Pope’s message of “Protecting All Life.” With this in mind, NATIONAL CATHOLIC AWARENESS CONFERENCE JAPAN (NCACJ) will be held again this year, despite the issues surrounding the corona virus. The conference will be an online ZOOM conference, on December 4-5th (Saturday and Sunday), 2021.

2021 NCACJ Theme:

Saints, Martyrs and Christian Culture of Japan
in the Year of St. Joseph – December 8, 2020-December 8, 2021

The saints and martyrs of Japan were persecuted for their Faith from the time of the 16th century to the late 19th century. However, their blood and sacrifice became the seed of the Church and an inspiration to all. Pope Francis honoured them on his visit to Japan in 2019.

Suffering is not pleasant nor easy. Our Catholic Faith helps us endure our suffering and even overcome it, as the lives of many of the saints show.

But saints can be ordinary, unknown persons, who endure suffering in their daily lives. Our Faith can be a source of graces, strength and hope to anyone who suffers. And suffering can take many forms, physical, mental, spiritual, financial loss, loss of a loved one, loss of faith and hope, persecution, fear of the unknown, depression, loneliness, poverty, homelessness, single motherhood, and struggles with gender identity. Additionally, in Japan, the majority of people lead very busy lives. Increasingly, family life has suffered. This often leads to loneliness, which has, in many cases, become a social issue, known as ‘hikikomori’.

Yet, suffering and sacrifice can be the occasions for hope, graces and spiritual growth when offered as a prayer along with the suffering of Christ on the Cross. Whether small or large, enduring our suffering with patience is a process of purification of our souls. Our spiritual life is transformed. We can become saints, however, even if only known to God.

Our conference this year highlights not only the sacrifice by the saints and martyrs but also sacrifices made by
ordinary people in their daily lives. In both cases, such sacrifices can lead to sainthood.

About National Catholic Awareness Conference Japan (NCACJ)

National Catholic Awareness Conference Japan, (NCACJ) is organized to provide a platform for all Catholics in Japan to share and spread the Good News of Christ to all people.  It also aims to reach out to Catholics around the world by emphasizing new insights into the energy and vitality of Catholicism practiced in Japan.

The NCACJ is created as a bottom-up event, organized by a volunteer grassroots lay-Catholic group, Catholic Japan, which consists of a volunteer community from the general public.

What NCACJ aims for:

  • To Celebrate the Beauty of Life and God’s Creation
  • Encourage Awareness of the Great Diversity of Catholic Activity in Japan
  • Encourage Collaboration between the various Catholic groups in Japan
  • Encourage Catholics at Home, at School, in the Workplace and in Society
  • Inform people how to volunteer and help
  • Encourage Collaboration between Japanese and foreign Catholics in Japan
  • Inspire and Encourage New Evangelization of the Faith in Japan
  • Inspire Catholics across the world by the example of Catholics in Japan
  • To Strengthen Catholic Identity in Japan

The Original Idea for NCACJ

The idea for NCACJ was first hatched about 8 years ago, sparked by the question, ‘How did St. Patrick so successfully bring the Catholic Faith to Ireland?’. He was a foreign person to the Irish but through him a whole nation was gained for the Lord. Through prayer and meditation, the concept of a National Catholic Awareness Conference took hold where it would be a platform to bring all of the wonderful Catholic people and groups of Japan together to meet, share and exchange experiences of the Joy of the Gospel. By coming together through a lay-person bottom-up approach working with clerical leaders in Japan, we hope that Catholics can be encouraged to bond together even more strongly through sharing their diverse backgrounds, exchanging ideas for evangelization and supporting each other in their spiritual life journey. In short, to foster inspiration, confidence and greater zeal for our Faith.

We wish to reflect the Joy and Hope of the Gospel, to be a happy people even in the face of adversity, to remember the great past generations of our martyrs and saints, to reflect the rich beauty and heritage of our Catholic culture, to reflect the command of Christ to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations, to ignite a renewed zeal for sharing the Good News of Jesus with fellow Christians, lukewarm Christians, non-Christians, the rich, the poor, the sick, the lonely and those without hope. Though it seems impossible in this secularist and materialistic world, or that the number of Catholics in Japan seems too small, at roughly 400,000 people, or that it just seems everyone is always busy, we do know that God can work great works even in more impossible situations than this. Doesn’t God’s glory shine even more, then, in such challenging situations?

And this is why we live in exciting times for God has provided us an opportunity, though very challenging, to work with Him through the Holy Spirit to share the Faith with refreshing enthusiasm. In so doing we too can share in the Glory of God’s works. All God needs from us is our willing hands and heart, He will do the rest. Faith, love and charity mark us as Christians. By our actions we will be known.

We offer our National Catholic Awareness Conference Japan to God as the fruit of His handiwork hoping that He can further inspire us through the Holy Spirit to reach out to more people throughout Japan. We are all one big family and God has provided us a wonderful way to welcome new members to our family, through the Evangelisation and Missionary Discipleship of the National Catholic Awareness Conference.

Neil Day
N C A C J 2021



NCAC-J3 N0016
2021 年6 ⽉14 ⽇

⽇ 本 キ リ ス ト 教 伝 来 4 7 2 周 年
ZOOM オンライン会議



このような思いを抱いて、NATIONAL CATHOLIC AWARENESS CONFERENCE JAPANを、コロナ渦中ではありますが、今年も開催する運びとなりました。日程は12月4日(土)〜5日(日)、ZOOMでのオンライン会議となります。




しかし、聖人とは、日常生活の中で苦しみに耐えている普通の、知られていない人でもあり得ます。私たちの信仰は、苦しんでいる人にとって、恵み、力、そして希望の源となることができます。また、苦しみは多くの形で現れます。肉体的、精神的、精神的、経済的損失、愛する人の喪失、信仰と希望の喪失、迫害、未知への恐れ、鬱病、孤独、貧困、ホームレス、シングルマザー、そしてジェンダー・アイデンティティーの葛藤 。また、日本では多くの人が忙しい生活を送っていて、その結果として、家庭生活が犠牲になる場合があります。これはしばしば孤独につながり、多くの場合、「ひきこもり」として知られる社会問題になります。







  • 日本において行われているさまざまなカトリック活動を周知すること
  • 日本におけるさまざまなカトリック団体が互いに協力して活動するよう励ますこと
  • 家庭、学校、職場――社会の中のそれぞれの場で活躍するカトリック信者を励ますこと
  • 日本人信徒と日本在住の外国人信徒の協働を促進すること
  • ボランティアや支援の方法を人々に知らせること
  • 日本のカトリック信者の信仰を強め、新福音化を促進すること
  • 日本のカトリック信者の姿から世界中のカトリック信者を感化させること
  • 福音の喜びをわかちあうこと
  • 日本におけるカトリック信者のアイデンティティを強めること














ニール・デイ(Neil Day)
N C A C J 2021


NCACJ-3 2020 Flyer