Donations 2024 / 寄付金 2024


エヴァンジェリー・ネットワーク・ジャパン – 2024
– 5月11日、マリアン会議ジャパン
– 7月27日、 福音化ワークショップ
– 11月23日~24日 エヴァンジェリー・サミット・ジャパン

Evangelii Network Japan 2024
Please click on the button below, to donate on the donation page.
Donations pay for costs of organizing Catholic events in 2024
1. Marian Conference Japan (May 11),
2. Evangelisation Workshop (July 27),
3. Evangelii Summit Japan (Nov 23-24).
Thank you.

エヴァンジェリー・ネットワーク・ジャパン(ENJ)2023年 3つのイベントの予算計画について

Evangelii Network Japan (ENJ) 2023 - Budget Plan for 3 Events

ENJ-4 N0001


A. Purchases (One-time Purchase)                             ¥391.304
  1. 3D Flip Book                    ¥20,052
    1. Creates Website Digital Books/PDF Linkable Files ($149)
  2. ZOOM Sessions (Webinar Hosting)                  ¥96,892
    1. Marian Conference Japan, MCJ May 5, 2023            
      1. (Conference, up to 100 attendees) $180  - ¥24,223
    2. Evangelization Workshop Japan, EWS July 29, 2023
      1. (Conference, up to 100 attendees) $180  - ¥24,223
    3. Evangelization Summit Japan, ESJ November 25-26, 2023
      1. Day1 (Conference, up to 100 attendees) $180  - ¥24,223
      2. Day2 (Conference, up to 100 attendees) $180  - ¥24,223
  3. Flyer Printing          ¥43,600
    1. Marian Conference Japan - May 5, 2023
      1. 1,000 Flyers, (full colour F/B, 70Kg)  - ¥12,300
    2. Evangelization Workshop Japan - July 29, 2023
      1. 1,000 Flyers, (full colour F/B, 70Kg)  - ¥12,300
    3. Evangelii Summit Japan - November 25-26, 2023
      1. 3,000 Flyers, (full colour F/B, 70Kg) + ¥1000 delivery  - ¥19,000
  4. Flyer Distribution to Parishes/Religious Orders (Japan Post) (2023)     ¥125,760
    1. Marian Conference Japan (MCJ) Flyer
      1. 124 A4 Envelopes
        1. 3 Flyers, Press release, Cover Letter x2 (Eng./JP)  - ¥12,000
      2. 24 A4 Envelopes
        1. 3 Flyers, Press release, Cover Letter x2 (Eng./JP)  - ¥2,880
    2. Evangelization Workshop Japan (EWJ) Flyer
      1. 124 A4 Envelopes
        1. 3 Flyers, Press release, Cover Letter x2 (Eng./JP)  - ¥14,880
    3. Evangelization Summit Japan (ESJ-5) Flyer  - ¥96,000

      1. 800 Catholic Churches & Orders
        1. A4 Envelopes of 3 Flyers each (full colour F/B, 70Kg)
        2. Press Release and Cover letter
  5. Event Co-hosting and Interpretation               ¥105,000
    1. Marian Conference Japan (MCJ 2023)
      1. May 5, 2023: 1 person x ¥15,000     - ¥15,000
    2. Evangelization Workshop Japan (EWJ 2023)
      1. July 29, 2023: 2 people x ¥15,000    - ¥30,000
    3. Evangelii Summit Japan (ESJ 2023)
      1. November 25, 2023: 2 people x ¥15,000  - ¥30,000
      2. November 26, 2023: 2 people x ¥15,000  - ¥30,000
B. Purchases (Subscription Services)           ¥132,240
    1. Microsoft Office Monthly

      1. Create letters, Mailing Labels, Mailing Lists
      2. 12 months x ¥1,284 (5 installments paid – Apr 2023)   - ¥15,408
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud (Academic) (Yearly Jan 2022 – 2023)
      1. Create Artwork, flyers, Booklets/ PDF Documents    - ¥23,760
    3. Personalized Mailing List Distribution (ENJ Mailing List)
      1. ¥2,200 per month / $19.99 per month   - ¥26,400
    4. Webhosting Expenses (Bluehost)
      1. ($250.00 Yearly Renewal - Aug 15, 2023)   - ¥33,664
    5. ZOOM Meetings Service. (Required for Zoom Sessions)
      1. ZOOM Monthly Fee – 12 months x $14.99  - ¥24,208
    6. ESJ-5 Flyer Artwork and Design    - ¥8,800
      1. iStock Subscription (¥4,400 x 2)
C. Total Cost Estimate for organizing 3 Events (A. + B.)         ¥523,544
資金調達目標進捗率 (2023年4月23日) – Fund Raising Target Progress (Apr/23/2023)


Flyer Packs posted to 120 Catholic Churches in Japan – April 22, 2023

MCJ 2023 - Flyers posted to Catholic Marian Churches in Japan

Donations 2022 / 寄付金 2022


Donations in 2022 helped pay for over 50% of the budget cost of Evangelii Summit Japan (December 2022)
Thank you very much.


Flyer Packs posted to 108 Catholic Churches in Japan – Nov 18, 2022 (Total 408 Churches)

ESJ-4 2022 - Flyer packs posted to 108 Catholic Churches Japan - November 18, 2022


Flyer Packs posted to 300 Catholic Churches in Japan – Sept 26, 2022

ESJ-4 2022 - Church Japan - 1 -250 flyers posted - Sept 23
教会ビラ配布 – Churches in Japan that received flyers
配布数 4000チラシに占める割合 – Percentage total flyers (4000) distributed




残ったコンピューターはモバイルコンピューター(2014年製)です。しかし、このコンピュータでは、Zoom Webinar会議を同時に行うことも、講演者のプレゼンテーションを録画することも、2台の追加ビデオモニターを使用することもできません。







Why we seek sponsorship and funding

Replace Broken Computer System

This year we call once again on people for their kind support of our Summit.
In particular, we have to replace our computer system which broke down soon after the last conference in December 2021. That computer system was old (2011) and is no longer working.
The remaining computer is a mobile computer (2014). But this computer cannot simultaneously do a Zoom Webinar conference, nor record the speakers presentations, nor use the two additional video monitors.

Distribution of Flyers to 800 Catholic Churches and Seminaries in Japan

We have already posted 250 packed envelopes of 4 flyers, a press release and a cover letter to 250 Catholic Churches and Orders across Japan. We wish to post flyers to the remaining 550 Churches in Japan. There are at least 800 Catholic Churches in Japan.
Please see a list of churches we have recorded so far, and also the photos of the envelope packs that we have already sent out at the 'ESJ' website link for donations.

Paying for Translators

We also wish to cover the cost of paying translators for the speakers during the Summit.

You can also see the budget plan for the Summit this year with a breakdown of the costs. Please see the budget plan below.
We are really concerned about replacing the broken computer system so any donation, no matter how small will be very helpful.

I understand it is hard to make donations in these times, so I really apologize with making such a request on you all at this time.

ESJ-4 2022 - オーガナイジング・サミット2022の予算計画

ESJ-4 2022 - Budget Plan for Organizing Summit 2022

  1. Purchase New Broadcasting Computer System  - (¥112,000)
    1. Replace 11-year-old broken Computer System
  2. ESJ-4 Co-hosting staff / Simultaneous bilingual translation - (¥90,000)
    1. ¥15,000 per day person (Co-hosting and Interpretation)
      1. Day 1 December 3, 2022: 3 people x ¥15,000 = ¥45,000
      2. Day 2 December 4, 2022: 3 people x ¥15,000 = ¥45,000
  3. Web hosting Expenses (¥33,457)
    1. ¥33,457.9 ($250.67 Aug 15, 2022)
  4. Subscription to ZOOM Webinar service - (¥33,472)
    1. November 2022 - ¥16,736.3 $125.39
    2. December 2022 - ¥16,736.3 $125.39
  5. ESJ-4 Flyer Artwork and Design - (¥8,800)
    1. iStock Subscription (¥4,400 x 2)
  6. ESJ-4 Flyer Distribution to parishes /religious orders via Japan Post - (¥96,000)
    1. 800 Catholic Churches & Orders
      1. A4 Envelopes of 4 Flyers each (full colour F/B, 70Kg)
      2. Press Release and Cover letter.
    2. Flyer Distribution Cost via Japan Post (2022)
      1. 50 A4 Packed Envelopes - ¥6,000 (¥120 per envelope pack)
    3. Flyers posted to Churches and Orders (250) by Sept 22, 2022
      1. 5 x 50 flyer Packed Envelopes posted (as of Sept 22, 2022)
  7. Create Conference PR Video (based on purchase of copyright content)             - (¥50,000)
  8. Adobe Creative Cloud (Academic) (one year, January 2022 – January 2023) - (¥26,136)
  9. ESL Mailing List (Email Service) Distribution Cost  - (¥26,400)
    1. ¥2,200 per month / $19.99 per month

Total Cost Estimate for organizing ESJ-4, 2022  - ¥476,265

資金調達目標進捗率 (2022年12月8日) – Fund Raising Target Progress (Dec /8/ 2022)

2024年イベント / Events 2024

Marian Conference Japan 2024
Index Number Church Name Zip Code

2022年イベント / Events 2022

ESJ-4 2022 -Flyer Fron1
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3